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Standing Committees of the Academic BoardResources
Academic Board Steering Committee
Curriculum Committee
Learning and Teaching Quality Committee
Research Committee

Academic Board Steering Committee

The Academic Board Steering Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Board responsible for managing and scheduling the business of the Academic Board.

The functions of the Committee include:

and other functions and responsibilities, as outlined in the Charter

Membership of the Committee comprises:

Chair: Professor Bernadine Van Gramberg, Chair Academic Board

Deputy Chair:  Darren Gray, Pro Vice-Chancellor VET and Pathways and Chief Executive, TAFE

Executive Officer: Lisa Francis,

Staff of Federation University can access further information on Academic Board Steering Committee via SharePoint (login required)

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Board responsible for assessing and recommending the approval of proposed new courses and all University qualifications leading to a formal award under the Australian Qualifications Framework, to the Academic Board.

Functions and responsibilities of Curriculum Committee are outlined in the Charter

Membership of the Committee comprises:

Chair: Associate Professor Linda Wight

Deputy Chair: Associate Professor Lara Wakeling

Executive Officer: Lisa Francis,

Staff of Federation University can access further information on Curriculum Committee via SharePoint (login required)

Learning and Teaching Quality Committee

Learning and Teaching Quality Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Board responsible for all learning and teaching quality matters, including:

Further functions and responsibilities are outlined in the Learning and Teaching Quality Committee Charter

Membership of Learning and Teaching Quality Committee comprises:

Ex-officio members

Elected members

Co-opted members

Chair: Associate Professor Shaun Watson

Deputy Chair: vacant

Executive Officer: Lisa Francis,

Staff of Federation University can access further information on Learning and Teaching Quality Committee via SharePoint (login required)

Research Committee

The Research Committee is a standing committee of Academic Board responsible for research and research training quality matters.

Functions and responsibilities of Research Committee are outlined in the Charter

Membership of Research Committee comprises:

Ex-officio members

Elected members

Co-opted members

Chair:  Distinguished Professor Shane Thomas

Deputy Chair: Distinguished Professor Helen Thompson

Executive Officer: Joanne Nemshich,

Staff of Federation University can access further information on Research Committee via SharePoint (login required)

Academic Board Steering Committee Curriculum Committee Learning and Teaching Quality Committee Research Committee