You might feel like uni is all about being independent. But we're here to help if you need it. From academic support to financial aid, we've got you covered.
Life doesn’t always go to plan. We understand the challenges. Getting organised, understanding assessment tasks, living on a tight budget, dealing with stress – it can be a lot. But we also know how to help. There’s academic support, there are health and wellbeing teams, there’s financial aid, disability services, admin assistance. We won’t let you fall.
Starting uni is a big change, no matter who you are. But we’ll make sure you feel prepared for the transition. We’ll let you know what you need to do and when you need to do it.
We don’t expect you to arrive at uni with amazing academic skills. Learning how to study is part of the tertiary experience, and there’s plenty of free assistance available.
You can’t study properly if you’re not feeling right. Your physical and mental health is as important as your grades. That’s why we have services that focus on student wellbeing.
You’re an individual. You have specific needs. We know that one size does not fit all. So we’ll listen to your story and offer you assistance that’s useful and relevant.
Cost of living pressures are real. But don’t abandon your study dreams because you’re worried about money. We have financial aid options to make uni possible no matter what your situation.
We can help you understand employment trends in your industry, find work, improve your resume, answer key selection criteria and prepare for job interviews.