
Online study help

Studiosity lets you refresh your study skills and ask a real-life expert tutor questions about anything related to study and learning. It could be something you have forgotten from high school, in English, maths, science, research, business studies or other areas. It might be about how to write an essay or answer an assignment question.

It is FREE, you can get writing feedback on your draft, and there is live chat available for a number of subjects when you need it.

It is online and cloud-based, so there are no appointments needed, no registration required, and no extra software to download; plus it can be used on tablets as well as desktop computers.

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Studiosity is available when you need it. You can access Connect Live during these times and submit your assessment through Writing Feedback at any time (see below for more on these services).

Where to access

You can access Studiosity through the 'Study Help' > 'Free study support after hours' link in the top navigation panel in Moodle or go directly to the Studiosity Moodle course.

Connect with a study expert through Connect Live

Stuck on a topic or question?

You can sign in to Studiosity and access Connect Live where a study expert helps you work through the problems in the interactive classroom - with chat, collaborative whiteboard, and file sharing.

Essay writing help through Writing Feedback

Have you lost precious marks in essays because of silly mistakes?
Wish you had someone to give you feedback on your work before you hand it in?

Studiosity's Writing Feedback service is here to help you to hand in your best work.

  • Submit your essay, speech, report and assignments anytime, day or night
  • Receive detailed feedback from professional tutors within 24 - 48 hours
  • Please note: wait times are subject to submission volume and may increase during peak periods

Writing Feedback is not an essay writing service, but it can help you nail your written assignments by giving you detailed advice on:

  • Essay structure including your introduction, linking sentences, body paragraphs and conclusion.
  • Language choice: is it appropriate for the type of assignment you're working on – e.g. persuasive essay, speech, critical analysis or report?
  • Development of ideas including whether you've adequately answered the question.
  • Referencing: where relevant, we will advise you on your prescribed reference method e.g. Harvard referencing, or other citations.
  • Grammar and spelling: the Studiosity tutors will pick up any mistakes you've made and help you understand how to avoid them in future.

Sound good?

You can access Studiosity through the 'Study Help' > 'Free study support after hours' link in the top navigation panel in Moodle or go directly to the Studiosity Moodle course.

Contact the Learning and Academic Skills Success team

If you would like more information, please feel free to email us at lass@federation.edu.au or call us on 1800 333 864.