I can’t locate the Professional Development Catalogue. How do I know what development items to add?

This year’s Professional Development Catalogue will be designed based on feedback and data gathered from the goal setting and development needs in this stage of 'Your growth matters' and the recent professional development check-in survey.  The professional development offerings will be designed in response to what needs are identified across Federation and sourcing the best solutions.

Also consider the 70:20:10 model when identifying your development items.  Formal learning (‘professional development’) only forms a small part (10%) of how we learn at work.  Most of our learning comes from partnering with others (20%), and from tasks performed on the job (70%).

Discuss with your manager what opportunities are available for you to learn new skills on the job that will assist you in achieving your goals for the year, and who you might be able to learn from both within, and outside of, your team.