Anthea Groessler

Position: Learning Designer

Location: Brisbane campus

Phone: (03) 5327 9783


Qualifications: Master of Education (Education Technology major), Bachelor (Modern Asian studies)


Anthea is a learning designer with the School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences. She has over 15 years’ experience as a learning designer in both tertiary and VET sectors. She holds a Master of Education (Education Technology major) and brings broad theoretical knowledge and practical skills to the role of learning designer. Anthea supports academic staff to develop their capacity in pedagogy, design and technology to enhance the student experience. She has also supported staff in their scholarship of learning and teaching and has assisted several academic staff win AAUT awards.

Conference presentations

  • Blended learning at the University of Queensland; International Conference Digital Pedagogies, Changing Mindsets for Digital Learning 2019, ICDP, April 1-3, AICTE, New Delhi, India.
  • Enhancing the student experience: Flipped blended and active Learning at the University of Queensland; XX Virtual Educa, 2018, Buenos Aires,
  • Walker, J, Groessler, A and Parry, R (2015) Transforming Teaching and Learning Space In First Year Accounting Using Active Learning Pedagogies. In The 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
  • Ascilite 2014: Workshop presented on Social Media for Teaching and Learning.


  • Groessler, A. (2018). Teaching Research Methods, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, The University of Queensland.
  • Higgs, B., Groessler, A., J. Macaulay, D. West. (2017). Technology enhanced assessment and feedback: what counts as transformation of student learning? Paper presented at the 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden.
  • McGrath, D., Groessler, A., Fink, E., E., Reidsema, C., and Kavanagh, L (2017). A technology enabled flipped classroom model. In Reidsema, C., & Kavanagh, L., & R. Hadgraft, R., & Smith, N. (Eds.) (2017). The flipped classroom: Practice and practices in higher education
  • Sweeney, T., West, D., Groessler, A., Haynie, A., Higgs, B., Macaulay, J., Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Yeo, M. (2017). Where’s the Transformation? Unlocking the Potential of Technology-Enhanced Assessment. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(1), 1-13, 1-8. doi:
  • Walker, J; Groessler, A; Parry, R (2015) Transforming Teaching and Learning Space In First Year Accounting Using Active Learning Pedagogies. In The 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.