eBooks FAQs

  1. Access the Federation University eBook collection
  2. Open an ebook to read
  3. What does the pop-up message 'do you wish to create a loan' mean?
  4. Why do I have to fill out an online form to get access to an eBook?
  5. Copy or print from an eBook
  6. My eBook won't open

1. Access the Federation University eBook collection

Most eBooks that are listed in the Library catalogue, and can be found via a keyword, title, or author search in the catalogue. eBooks can be recognised in a search result by the blue "e" icon. You can also browse our eBook supplier databases via our databases page. Our main eBook suppliers are:

2. Open an eBook to read

There will be a hyperlink in the Library catalogue record which will take you through to the eBook. As we source eBooks from several different suppliers, and their access conditions vary, you may have to enter your Federation University username and password to access the book itself.

eBooks will open in a variety of formats, including HTML and PDF.

3. What does the pop-up message 'do you wish to create a loan' mean?

For you as a user, nothing. Some eBook providers, such as ProQuest eBook Central only allow the Library a certain number of uses of a book per year on the payment model we use, and this pop-up is a result of keeping track of that.

It has no influence on your ability to use other eBooks, or on your ability to borrow print items from our collection.

If you wish to continue using the eBook in question, click on 'yes'.

4. Why do I have to fill out an online form to get access to an eBook?

eBooks provided by ProQuest eBook Central are provided to Federation University on the basis of them being loaded freely into the Library catalogue, and the Library only paying for titles that are used.

To help the Library manage the cost of this service, an upper price limit has been applied to ProQuest eBook Central books, and if a book you select is over that limit, automatic use of the book is disallowed - which is when you are asked to fill in the form if you'd like to use the book.

Library staff will then assess the book's suitability for inclusion in the collection, and will either authorise a limited loan, purchase of the eBook for unlimited use, or in some cases deny use of the book. You will receive an email to the address entered in the form to let you know our decision.

5. Copy or print from an eBook

Permissions vary from supplier to supplier, but generally copying or printing from eBooks is allowable, subject to copyright provisions allowing use for study and teaching. Some suppliers, notably ProQuest eBook Central, have software to monitor use and will disallow any illegal dealing with titles.

6. My eBook won't open

Some eBook providers need particular settings to enable eBooks to open on a computer - specifically Adobe Acrobat Reader to enable eBooks to open, and also in your browser pop-ups need to be enabled, or allowed for the site (for ProQuest eBook Central books in particular). For more information, see the help screens within each eBook website.