Dr Fatemeh Javidan - Research
Research publications
- Javidan, F., Heidarpour, A., Zhao, X. L. and Al-Mahaidi, R, “Structural coupling mechanism of high strength and mild steel under multiaxial cyclic loading”, Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal. 2018; 27(2): 229-242.
- Javidan, F., Heidarpour, A., Zhao, X. L. and Al-Mahaidi, R, "Bending moment and axial compression interaction of high capacity hybrid fabricated members", Thin-Walled Structures. 2017; 121(1): 89-99.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Fallahi H. “Fundamental behaviour of high strength and ultra-high strength steel subjected to low cycle structural damage." Engineering Structures. 2017; 143(1):427-440.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Minkkinen J. “Application of high strength and ultra-high strength steel tubes in long hybrid compressive members: Experimental and numerical investigation." Thin-Walled Structures. 2016; 102(1):273-85.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Hutchinson CR, Minkkinen J. “Effect of weld on the mechanical properties of high strength and ultra-high strength steel tubes in fabricated hybrid sections.” Engineering Structures. 2016; 118(1):16-27.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Minkkinen J. “Performance of innovative fabricated long hollow columns under axial compression.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2015; 106(1):99-109.
- Javidan F, Safarnejad M, Shahbeyk S. “Failure of hollow concrete blocks under concentric and eccentric compression - A numerical study”. Computers and Concrete. 2013;13(4):437-456
- Javidan F, Safarnejad M, Shahbeyk S. "Shape optimization of hollow concrete blocks using the lattice discrete particle model", Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment-Geo-hazards and Civil Engineering, 2013; 4 (3). 243-250.
Conference proceeding
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Fallahi, H, “Cyclically strained grade 800 and 1200 steel tube materials” 16th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS16) 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Al-Mahaidi, R, "Seismic performance of high capacity hybrid beam-columns" 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, EUROSTEEL 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Hutchinson CR, “Application of high strength and ultra-high strength steel tubes in Structural Sections: Mechanical Properties and Micro-Structure” MS&T16 (Materials science and technology conference) 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Minkkinen J. “Compressive Behavior of Innovative Hollow Long Fabricated Columns with High Strength and Ultra-High Strength tubes.” 15th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS15) 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Javidan F, Heidarpour A, Zhao X. L, Minkkinen J. “The compressive behaviour of innovative hollow long columns consisting of mild steel plates and tubes.” 7th European conference on steel and composite structures (EUROSTEEL 2014). Naples, Italy.
- Javidan F, Safarnejad M, Shahbeyk S. “Shape optimization of hollow concrete blocks using the Lattice Discrete Particle Model”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (AICCE’12) 2012, Penang, Malaysia.
Industry reports
- Material and geometry optimisation of all-steel and composite stair systems. Presented to BAO Engineering, 2017
- Design recommendations for an innovative pre-fabricated composite stair structure. Presented to BAO Engineering, 2017
Professional memberships and associations
- Australian steel institute (ASI)
- AIST (Association for Iron & Steel Technology)
- Engineers Australia