Barton, Andrew (A/Prof) - Research
Selected publications:
- Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2015). "Potential Improvements to Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Output to Catchment Streamflows with Downscaled Precipitation and Evaporation." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 122(1): 159–179.
- Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2015). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to evaporation, minimum temperature and maximum temperature using a key-predict and and key-station approach." Journal of Water and Climate 6(2): 241-262.
- Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2015). "History of Water Distribution Systems and their Optimisation." Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 15(2): 224-235.
- Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2015). "Impact of Water Quality Conditions in Source Reservoirs on the Optimal Operation of a Regional Multi-quality Water Distribution System." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 141(10): 04015013.
- Barton, A. F., D. M. Silva and J. Ugon (2014). Leak Detection Algorithms: A Final Report to Optias Pty. Ltd. (For South East Water). Ballarat, Federation University Australia. Research Report.
- Cowle, M., A. Babatunde, W. Rauen, B. Bockelmann-Evans and A. F. Barton (2014). "Biofilm development in water distribution and drainage systems: dynamics and implications for hydraulic efficiency." Environmental Technology Reviews 3(1): 31-47.
- Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to catchment scale hydroclimatic variables: Issues, challenges and possible solutions." Journal of Water and Climate Change 5(4): 496-525.
- Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation Part 1: Calibration and validation." International Journal of Climatology 34(11): 3264–3281.
- Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation Part 2: Bias correction and future projections." International Journal of Climatology 34(11): 3282–3303.
- Bagirov, A. M., A. F. Barton, H. Mala-Jetmarova, A. A. Nuaimat, S. T. Ahmed, N. Sultanova and J. Yearwood (2013). "An algorithm for minimization of pumping costs in water distribution systems using a novel approach to pump scheduling." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Volume 57(3–4): 873–886.
- Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2013). Pumping Costs and Water Quality in the Battlefield of Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Networks. 35th IAHR World Congress, 8-13 September. Chengdu, China.
- Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2012). Multi-Objective Optimisation Method for Water Resources Management: A Multi-Reservoir System Case Study. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2012. Sydney, Engineers Australia.
- Barton, A. F., S. Briggs, D. Prior and P. McRae-Williams (2011). "Coping With Severe Drought: Stories from the front line." Australian Journal of Water Resources 15(1): 21-32.
- Godoy, W. and A. F. Barton (2011). "Modelling the Environmental Water Reserve: A case study exploring the effects of the environment's water entitlement in the Wimmera-Mallee." Australian Journal of Water Resources 14(2): 157-167.
- Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and C. Perera (2011). Modelling multi-objectives for a complex water supply system. MODSIM 2011 (Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand) December 12 - 16 2011, Perth, Australia
- Perera, B. J. C., D. A. Sachindra, W. Godoy, A. F. Barton and F. Huang (2011). Multi-Objective Planning and Operation of Water Supply Systems Subject to Climate Change. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 60: 571-580.
- Barton, A. F., J. E. Sargison, J. E. Osborn, K. Perkins and G. Hallegraeff (2010). "Characterizing the roughness of freshwater biofilms using a photogrammetric methodology." Biofouling: Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 26(4): 439-448.
- Barton, A. F., R. J. Keller and C. Katapodis (2009). "Verification of a Numerical Model for the Prediction of Low Slope Vertical Slot Fishway Hydraulics." Australian Journal of Water Resources 13(1): 53-60.
- Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and J. Martin (2009). "Modelling the Future Use of Reservoirs: A Case Study Exploring the Impact of Operating Rules and Climate Change." Australian Journal of Water Resources 13(2): 113-120.
- Sargison, J. E., A. F. Barton, G. J. Walker and P. Brandner (2009). "Design and Calibration of a Water Tunnel for Skin Friction Research." Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 7(2): 111-124.
- Barton, A. F., M. Wallis, J. E. Sargison, A. Buia and G. J. Walker (2008). "Hydraulic Roughness Of Biofouled Pipes, Biofilm Character, And Measured Improvements From Cleaning." ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134(6): 852-857.
- Barton, A. F., P. Brandner, J. Sargison and G. Walker (2007). A force balance to measure the total drag of biofilms on test plates. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Gold Coast.
- Barton, A. F., P. Coombes and J. Rodriguez (2007). Understanding Ecological Response in Urban Catchments. 13th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference and 5th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, 21-23 August 2007, Sydney, Australia.
- Barton, A. F., M. W. Sylvester, J. E. Sargison, G. J. Walker and A. B. Denne (2004). Deterioration of Conduit Efficiency Due to Biofouling. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, 13-16 July, ANA Hotel Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Engineers Australia.
- Barton, A. F. and R. J. Keller (2003). 3D Free Surface Model of a Vertical Slot Fishway. XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research.