Barton, Andrew (A/Prof) - Research


Selected publications:

  1. Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2015). "Potential Improvements to Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Output to Catchment Streamflows with Downscaled Precipitation and Evaporation." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 122(1): 159–179.
  2. Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2015). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to evaporation, minimum temperature and maximum temperature using a key-predict and and key-station approach." Journal of Water and Climate 6(2): 241-262.
  3. Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2015). "History of Water Distribution Systems and their Optimisation." Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 15(2): 224-235.
  4. Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2015). "Impact of Water Quality Conditions in Source Reservoirs on the Optimal Operation of a Regional Multi-quality Water Distribution System." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 141(10): 04015013.
  5. Barton, A. F., D. M. Silva and J. Ugon (2014). Leak Detection Algorithms: A Final Report to Optias Pty. Ltd. (For South East Water). Ballarat, Federation University Australia. Research Report.
  6. Cowle, M., A. Babatunde, W. Rauen, B. Bockelmann-Evans and A. F. Barton (2014). "Biofilm development in water distribution and drainage systems: dynamics and implications for hydraulic efficiency." Environmental Technology Reviews 3(1): 31-47.
  7. Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to catchment scale hydroclimatic variables: Issues, challenges and possible solutions." Journal of Water and Climate Change 5(4): 496-525.
  8. Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation Part 1: Calibration and validation." International Journal of Climatology 34(11): 3264–3281.
  9. Sachindra, D. A., F. Huang, A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2014). "Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation Part 2: Bias correction and future projections." International Journal of Climatology 34(11): 3282–3303.
  10. Bagirov, A. M., A. F. Barton, H. Mala-Jetmarova, A. A. Nuaimat, S. T. Ahmed, N. Sultanova and J. Yearwood (2013). "An algorithm for minimization of pumping costs in water distribution systems using a novel approach to pump scheduling." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Volume 57(3–4): 873–886.
  11. Mala-Jetmarova, H., A. F. Barton and A. Bagirov (2013). Pumping Costs and Water Quality in the Battlefield of Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Networks. 35th IAHR World Congress, 8-13 September. Chengdu, China.
  12. Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and B. J. C. Perera (2012). Multi-Objective Optimisation Method for Water Resources Management: A Multi-Reservoir System Case Study. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2012. Sydney, Engineers Australia.
  13. Barton, A. F., S. Briggs, D. Prior and P. McRae-Williams (2011). "Coping With Severe Drought: Stories from the front line." Australian Journal of Water Resources 15(1): 21-32.
  14. Godoy, W. and A. F. Barton (2011). "Modelling the Environmental Water Reserve: A case study exploring the effects of the environment's water entitlement in the Wimmera-Mallee." Australian Journal of Water Resources 14(2): 157-167.
  15. Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and C. Perera (2011). Modelling multi-objectives for a complex water supply system. MODSIM 2011 (Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand) December 12 - 16 2011, Perth, Australia
  16. Perera, B. J. C., D. A. Sachindra, W. Godoy, A. F. Barton and F. Huang (2011). Multi-Objective Planning and Operation of Water Supply Systems Subject to Climate Change. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 60: 571-580.
  17. Barton, A. F., J. E. Sargison, J. E. Osborn, K. Perkins and G. Hallegraeff (2010). "Characterizing the roughness of freshwater biofilms using a photogrammetric methodology." Biofouling: Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 26(4): 439-448.
  18. Barton, A. F., R. J. Keller and C. Katapodis (2009). "Verification of a Numerical Model for the Prediction of Low Slope Vertical Slot Fishway Hydraulics." Australian Journal of Water Resources 13(1): 53-60.
  19. Godoy, W., A. F. Barton and J. Martin (2009). "Modelling the Future Use of Reservoirs: A Case Study Exploring the Impact of Operating Rules and Climate Change." Australian Journal of Water Resources 13(2): 113-120.
  20. Sargison, J. E., A. F. Barton, G. J. Walker and P. Brandner (2009). "Design and Calibration of a Water Tunnel for Skin Friction Research." Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 7(2): 111-124.
  21. Barton, A. F., M. Wallis, J. E. Sargison, A. Buia and G. J. Walker (2008). "Hydraulic Roughness Of Biofouled Pipes, Biofilm Character, And Measured Improvements From Cleaning." ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134(6): 852-857.
  22. Barton, A. F., P. Brandner, J. Sargison and G. Walker (2007). A force balance to measure the total drag of biofilms on test plates. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Gold Coast.
  23. Barton, A. F., P. Coombes and J. Rodriguez (2007). Understanding Ecological Response in Urban Catchments. 13th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference and 5th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, 21-23 August 2007, Sydney, Australia.
  24. Barton, A. F., M. W. Sylvester, J. E. Sargison, G. J. Walker and A. B. Denne (2004). Deterioration of Conduit Efficiency Due to Biofouling. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, 13-16 July, ANA Hotel Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Engineers Australia.
  25. Barton, A. F. and R. J. Keller (2003). 3D Free Surface Model of a Vertical Slot Fishway. XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research.

External links for Andrew Barton