Imogen Schwarz

Position:Honorary Research Fellow
Phone:+613 5362 2711


Journal papers

M, Graymore, Schwarz, I. and B. Brownell (2016). ‘Identifying farming styles to encourage engagement in climate adaptation and mitigation programs.’ Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal 12(1) : 32-42.

Graymore, M., I Schwarz, and Brownell, B. (2015) ‘Development of quick tool for farmer segmentation: Practical uses for extension work.’ Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal 11(1) : 33-42.

Schwarz, I. and McRae Williams, P. (2009). ‘Water reform and the resilience of small business people in drought -affected agricultural communities.’ Rural Society, 19(3):199-210.

Book chapters

Deutsher, M., Schwarz, I. and McRae-Williams, P. (2012). ‘Rural Water Reform in the Northern Mallee: Evidence that pipelines deliver mixed outcomes.’ In M. Graymore, P. McRae-Williams, Barton, A. and L. Lehmann (Eds.) Pipes, Ponds and People: Adaptive water management in Drylands. Mt Helen, Victoria: VURRN Press Inc.

Schwarz, I. and McRae-Williams, P. (2012). ‘Understanding the Socio-Economic Value of Water Pipeline Projects in Australian Dryland Farming Regions – A Systematic Review of the Literature.’ In M. Graymore, P. McRae-Williams, Barton, A. and L. Lehmann (Eds.) Pipes, Ponds and People: Adaptive water management in Drylands. Mt Helen, Victoria: VURRN Press Inc.

Conference papers/posters

Graymore, M., Schwarz, I. and Brownell, B. (2015). ‘Development of quick tool for farmer segmentation: Practical uses for extension work.’ Presented at 2015 APEN conference Managing change, innovation and action in an ever shrinking world Adelaide SA, November 2015.

Graymore, M., Hurley, C., Freeland, L. and Schwarz, I. (2014). Local government change agents for climate change adaptation. Presented at Climate Change Adaptation for Local Government & Public Sector Conference: Managing climate risks & embedding resilience, Melbourne, Vic, 4 December 2014.

Graymore, M. and Schwarz, I. (2014). The role of Local Government in the transition to sustainable communities. Poster presented at Regional Development Australia Conference 2014, Albury, New South Wales, 15-17 October 2014.

Schwarz, I. Graymore, M., Park, D. and Brownell, B.(2013). ‘Farmer knowledge, attitudes and mitigation towards greenhouse gas emissions: Findings from the Victorian Farmer Surveys on Climate Change 2009 & 2011.’ Presented at Greenhouse 2013 Conference, 8-11 October 2013, Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia


Graymore, M. and Schwarz, I. (2012). Catchment Restoration: Landholder perceptions of riparian restoration. Pilot study. Horsham Campus Research Precinct.

Schwarz, I., Graymore, M., Brownell, B and Lehmann, L. (2012). The Victorian Farmer Survey on Climate Change 2011. Horsham Campus Research Precinct Report no. 02/11.

Schwarz, I. McRae-Williams, P. and L. Lehmann (2009). Understanding farmer knowledge and attitudes to climate change, climate variability and greenhouse gas emissions. December 2009. WIDCORP report no. 1/09.


Imogen Schwarz is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability. After completion of doctoral studies, she has worked with Water in Drylands Collaborative Research Program (WIDCORP) and Wimmera Research Group. Imogen is located at Federation University’s Wimmera Campus in Horsham, and is a fifth generation local to the Wimmera region. Imogen’s main research interests are social change in regional and rural communities, and research which promotes regional sustainability and resilience. Imogen’s research work has examined the social impacts of water reform, farmer climate change adaptations, environmental restoration and sustainable behaviour change. Other related work has focused on health education and service delivery in rural settings.


  • BAppSc (Health Promotion – Hons)
  • PhD (Social Sciences)