These themes are updated for parallel sessions
- Asset Management (AM) and Systems (AMS): Asset management (AM), ISO55000 and related standards, ISO 55001 certification and beyond, Critical assets, e.g., water, power, smart grids, Energy management, Energy asset management, Intelligent traffic system, Self-driving cars, Water asset management, Water audit and analysis, Rural asset management, Regulations and compliance, Environment, Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 in AM, Analytics and applications in AM, Risk management, Cyber-Physical Systems, Process modelling, Digital twins, Uncertainty in simulations, Energy systems simulations, Data assimilation, Machine learning in asset management, Asset Management for Oil and Gas industry, Built environment asset management, Smart systems' management, Low cost sensing for asset management, Indoor air quality management, Biological smartness in infrastructure systems.
- Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) and Maintenance Management (MM): New advancements in reliability, Maintenance engineering, Preventive and predictive maintenance, Lifecycle cost analysis, Remaining useful Life analysis, Tribology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT in RAM, Condition Monitoring (CM) and fault diagnostics, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and Efficiency, RAM in Industry 4.0, Resilience, Software reliability, Rail track maintenance, Rolling stock maintenance, Reliability and resilience, Risk and performance assessment, Risk based maintenance.
- Safety Engineering and Analytics, Security, Risk Management and Human Factors: Safety analytics, Occupational health, Integrated safety management systems, Prevention through design (PtD), Probabilistic risk assessment & uncertainty analysis, Human factors & cognitive ergonomics, Human error & behaviour, Building & infrastructure safety, Process safety, Workplace safety, Safety Economics, Application of Virtual Reality, IoT, AI, ML and other Industry 4.0 technologies in safety, Digital asset management, Asset integrity, Cyber security challenges and risk management, Cyber-vulnerabilities, Cyber-security of CPS, Industrial IoT & data analytics framework and maturity models for cyber risk management, AI and ML applications in cyber safety & security, Smart transportation and logistics, Cyber supply chain risk management (CSRM).