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Research internships

Looking for innovative solutions to complex problems? Our research students are ready to make a difference through internships or long-term projects.

We know we shouldn’t brag. But we can’t help it. Our research students are smart. And interested. And keen. You know what they love doing? Working out how to solve real-world problems. 

These students are ideas people. They know how to get the latest info and use cutting-edge technology to come up with innovative solutions. And they’re ready to make a difference to your organisation. There are two options: 

Research internships 

This is like the starter pack. When you need someone to focus on a small but meaningful task. 


    • do a minimum of 60 days (full-time equivalent) 
    • work on a well-defined project (in their area of expertise). 


    • guide students on the output or result you need 
    • pay us so we can pay students via a stipend (yes – there are tax benefits).

Research projects 

This is the big kahuna. For those long-term assignments that require lots of investigation, testing and refining. 


    • work for 1.5–2 years (Masters) or 3–3.5 years (PhD) 
    • look at solving complex problems and/or making discoveries. 


    • can help us design and deliver the research projects (if you have staff who have adequate time and knowledge) 
    • may co-fund the projects (either in cash or in-kind contributions).

Dive into the details

Ready to get involved?

Email to find out more about Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Co-op opportunities.