FedUni Act and role of Council

The University Council uses the 'Federation University Australia Act 2010' and the 'Role of Council' as a guide for when making important decisions in relation to the University.

Federation University Australia Act

Role of Council

  1. Provide a clear statement on the University's strategic direction, vision and mission and continually monitor progress against agreed goals.
  2. Shape and review its vision, mission and values and evaluate its own performance.
  3. Appoint and appraise the performance of the Vice-Chancellor as chief executive.
  4. Require and monitor compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
  5. Oversee the establishment and effective operation of key policies consistent with legal requirements and the spirit of community expectations, including those expressed in statutes and regulations.
  6. Ensure delegated responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined to the Vice-Chancellor and other bodies, and to the Boards and other committees.
  7. Ensure adequate risk management procedures and associated internal controls are established and effectively maintained.
  8. Approve and monitor commercial undertakings and monitor education, training, research and consultancy activities.
  9. Oversee the effective and prudential operation of the University and assess performance against key performance indicators agreed with management, including:
    1. a) approve and monitor budgets and financial plans;
      b) ensure the University's assets and resources are properly managed; and
      c) approve and monitor controlled entities.
  10. Effectively manage its own operations, including the appointment of the Chancellor, selection of new members and their induction and the proper execution by members of their fiduciary duties.

Duties of members of Council

  • act always in the best interests of the University as a whole, with this obligation to be observed in priority to any duty a member may owe to those electing or appointing him or her
  • act in good faith, honestly and for a proper purpose;
  • exercise appropriate care and diligence;
  • not improperly use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else; and
  • disclose and avoid conflicts of interest.